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Best Bariatric Surgeon In Jalandhar

Best Bariatric Surgeon In Jalandhar

Dr. Amit Sood said, “Obesity surgery is an elective surgery, so it is not an emergency. However, when it was discovered that obesity exacerbates the disease, the opinion that obesity is a disease has been accepted in the world. Surgery of patients should not be postponed and may be considered urgent.

Best Bariatric Surgeon in Jalandhar stating that obesity has become an important public health problem globally, Dr. Amit Sood emphasized that obesity is increasing day by day in both developed and developing countries.

Given that in a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 6 different countries, it was reported that there was a 12-10% increase in frequency. The problem of obesity in 10 years, that in the world 30 billion people are overweight and 1.5 million people are obese.

Given that overweight and obesity, which used to be seen as a problem in all high-income countries, is now increasing dramatically in low- and middle-income countries, especially in urban environments. And overweight or obese children live in developing countries, where the rate of growth is more than 30 percent compared to developed countries. From 1975 to 2016, the prevalence of overweight or obese children and adolescents aged 5-19 increased from 4 percent to 18 percent globally. “Obesity has been recognized as a global epidemic since 2017, with more than 4 million people dying each year from being overweight or obese.”

Underlining that obesity is not only a visual problem, best bariatric surgeon in jalandhar but also a disease that directly affects the comfort of a person’s life, and obese patients can experience sweating, palpitations, shortness of breath, snoring, back and joints Symptoms such as pain are experienced. In addition, it can lead to psychological problems such as lack of self-confidence, not being tolerated or ostracized in society.

Best bariatric surgeon in jalandhar


The body’s circulatory system, digestive and excretory systems and all other elements are completely affected by obesity. Obesity increases the risk of cancer disease. In addition, some studies have shown that obese pregnant women should not undergo bariatric surgery because pregnant women experience weakness. 

Prevention and treatment of obesity is the first step to combating all these diseases.

Dr. Amit Sood : Best bariatric surgeon in jalandhar

Dr. Amit Sood has listed some of the diseases and health problems which are directly or indirectly caused by obesity or may be as follows;

  • Diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • insulin resistance problem
  • high cholesterol
  • gallbladder stone
  • Paralysis and stroke conditions
  • cancer
  • liver fatty
  • sleep apnea
  • shortness of breath, asthma
  • muscle and joint diseases
  • psychiatric illness
  • polycystic ovary disease
  • Skin and skin disorders and diseases

            Due to all these diseases, individuals use different types of drugs and their quality of life is significantly reduced.

Emphasizing that the methods used in the treatment of obesity are diet, exercise, behavioral therapy, pharmacological (drug therapy) treatment and surgical treatment, diet and exercise therapy are usually applied first. Noting that it is important in treatment to detect and prevent factors that cause obesity, there are drugs that have been used in the pharmacological treatment phase in recent years, especially those with a suppressive effect on appetite. It should be applied under the control of a physician. When all these methods fail to give results, surgery, which is the last and most effective step of treatment, comes into play. All studies indicate that surgical treatment is superior to all of these methods. Surgical treatment is the most effective and best resultant treatment option in today’s circumstances.

At The Time Of Bariatric Surgery:-

Best Bariatric Surgeon in Jalandhar at the time of surgery, the patient is taken to the operation theatre. And there the patient is made to lie on his back. And after that the patient is sedated by giving General Anesthetic to the patient. Because of which what is happening to her during the surgery. The patient does not have any information about this. Once the effect of the anesthetic medicine is over the patient, then the patient’s surgery is started even after that. After lying down on the operation table, the doctor cleans the skin of the patient’s abdomen with an antiseptic solution. And whatever hair is on this skin. Those doctors save and clean it. Due to which the chances of getting infection are very less.

Before getting bariatric surgery, the patient should know what type of surgery it is. And what is the surgery you are going to get done. So let us tell you that there are mainly four types of bariatric surgery which are as follows.

1. Gastric Banding

The first type of bariatric surgery is gastric banding. As you know from its name itself, in this surgery, a plastic band is put around your stomach. Just like we put a rubber tree on any game. In the same way this bed will be placed on your stomach. Best Bariatric Surgeon in Jalandhar this reduces the sound from your stomach at all. And whatever food a person eats, his voice also gets reduced completely.

2. Sleeve Gastrostomy

Another type of bariatric surgery is sleeve gastrectomy. In this type of surgery, part of the lift side of your abdomen will be surgically removed and the abdomen is stitched. And the Continuity of the Digestive Tract is maintained.

3. Gastric Bypass

This is the third type of bariatric surgery. As you already know the meaning of the word bypass which we take the simple route. Apart from this, any other way which is short and easy is also called bypass. And in this surgery also some similar procedure is done. In this, the upper part of the stomach is cut or tied. Because of which whenever a person eats food. So it goes into the intestine immediately after exposing the lesser part of his stomach and instead of cutting the part of the stomach, it can be kept tied. And the part which is moving is connected with the intestine.

 4. Duodenal Switch

Whether it is the fourth part of bariatric surgery or not, it is the fourth type of surgery, in this surgery a very large part of the abdomen is cut. Or it is kept tied and the lower part of the stomach is connected directly to your intestines of the person. And for this reason, the middle part of the human intestine. He is not able to participate during the digestive process, this is the meaning of these four surgeries. The food that the person eats. Its quantity should be reduced, but this whole process does not have any harmful effect on the human’s digestion. After the surgery is completed, the doctor makes incisions. They are brought nearby with medical help. And more patients are taken to the recovery room.

It takes some time for the effect of Anesthetic Medicines to wear off. After that when the patient regains consciousness. So the doctors come and do a physical examination of the patient. His blood pressure is monitored. And whatever surgical incisions are there. They are also examined. And if the patient has any kind of problem or problem. So at that time the doctor should tell all these things so that that problem can be reduced by taking medicine.

After Bariatric Surgery:-

Pain relievers and antibiotics are usually given after surgery. To reduce any kind of problem and pain, and according to whatever quantity the doctor has told you of these medicines, it is necessary for you to take these medicines. And after the surgery, when the doctor is satisfied that you are completely fine. So after 1 or 2 days after that you would have been sent home from the hospital. Even after this, you need to take care of yourself and take care of yourself. Because after bariatric surgery, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to get fully fit. And there are surgical incisions on your abdomen. It takes time to recover after sewing them.


You do not have to apply any kind of rubbish on it. The bandage will remain tied over your incision for a few days, according to the rules of the doctor, keep changing that bandage regularly and you need to take care of this. That your incisions are made. There is no blood coming from inside them. Or you are not feeling any kind of pain. You should visit the doctor regularly for your checkups as per the rules prescribed by the doctor. Best bariatric surgeon in jalandhar.


This will help you in a quick recovery and when during the checkup the doctor will check your weight to see if your surgery has been done successfully or not. Best bariatric surgeon in jalandhar during bariatric surgery, surgery is done on your abdomen. And that is why your appetite may change. You should consult your doctor and take control of your diet so that you do not face any problems because of it, even after bariatric surgery, some activities have to be done to keep the patient under control. For this you can prepare a good diet. And you can also exercise. And you can lose weight.