
Losing weight as part of Weight Management is important because weighing too much is not good for your health. Being Overweight increases your risk of health conditions such as Heart Problems, High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes and certain types of Cancer. It also increases your risk for Arthritis (Joint Pains), Sleep Apnea or other Respiratory Problems, Infertility, Thyroid, Gout etc. It makes a person unconfident due to social implications or he/ she can be treated differently by others.

The best way to lose weight is to minimize the Calorie consumption either by doing regular exercise or by dieting. Eating more calories than you need will cause you to Gain Weight. Try to cut down your calories, Exercise (for example, walk, swim or bicycle) for at least 30 minutes. You will be more likely to keep weight off if you make these lifestyle changes.

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for Health. In addition to lowering the risk of Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure, it can also lower the risk of many different Cancers.

Role of a Patient Coordinator

Patient co-ordinators are the main pillars in the weight loss programme. A patient coordinator ensures that patient receives the care they need and also, they understand every aspect of their care. A patient coordinator is one-point contact for all the patients and a mediator between the patient and the Doctor. They help streamline everything like fixing up the appointments with the doctor, guide patients for the nutritional counselling, guide patients for the psychological counselling and to coordinate with regular follow-ups.

What You Need to Know Before Getting Started?

Weight loss can be achieved either by limit your calorie consumption or by burning more calories with physical activity, preferably both.

A healthy weight loss program consists of:

A reasonable, realistic weight loss goal
Nutritionally-balanced diet plan
Regular physical activity

At Ckosmic, we make sure that you are diagnosed and advised on how to best counter your weight issues. The best solution to Obesity is a change in lifestyle which can be achieved with a wide range of surgical/ non-surgical solutions.

Getting Started

  • Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) – an indicator of body fat – and see where it fits within the BMI categories.
  • Discuss weight loss with your doctor and decide on a goal. If you have a lot of weight to lose, set a realistic intermediate goal.
  • Those thinking about weight loss should talk to our Doctor about what their personal expectations should be for loss of excess weight.
  • The first appointment is like an initial assessment wherein we check your BMI and take a detailed medical and dietary history. Whether you want to lose 5 kgs or 30 kgs or more we examine what you really need. The first step to doing this is by running blood tests to rule out any medical condition and nutritional deficiencies. Post this assessment we offer you the best solution for your problem. Here at Ckosmic we offer a wide variety of services. From surgical weight loss to non-surgical weight loss options like personalized weight management programs to E-diets to meal planning and nutritional counselling to intragastric balloon treatment.

    Remember that even a small amount of weight loss can lead to big health benefits.

Weight Management Strategies For Success

DIETS DON’T WORK! Drastically cutting calories, eliminating entire food groups or depriving yourself of foods you actually like are not strategies for long-term success.

Supervised Diet and Exercise by experts can induce up to 5-10% of weight loss.

Wonder why you always gain weight, despite dieting and exercise?

  1. Fad diets gives short term results.
  2. Genes may influence your fats stored, distributed and consumed during exercises.
  3. Medical conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, PCOD and depression.
  4. Influences of family (genetics).

    However, it is very difficult to sustain this due to the compensatory hormonal changes in the body which physiologically try to bring back the weight.
  • Pharmacotherapy or Medical Treatment: This modality could be effective but needs to be consumed for a lifetime with variable results. It has its own side effects and high cost which could be prohibitive.

  • Liposuction: Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure for the re-sculpting small amount of unwanted body fat. Liposuction is not a weight loss operation. Liposuction only removes fat under the skin temporarily; subsequently fat can get deposited in the same or other area

  • Bariatric Surgery/Diabetic Surgery: Bariatric and metabolic surgery may be the most viable option to be considered in morbid obesity (a. BMI>32.5 with co-morbidities, b. BMI>35 without co-morbidities) when all the above methods don’t work. It induces various hormonal changes which reduce excessive cravings and improve satisfaction of eating and treat the root cause of formation of fat and its deposition in the body.


How Bariatric Surgery Is More Successful

While diet and exercise alone may not be enough to cure obesity, they are still two of the best ways to prevent it. For treating morbid obesity and its associated complications, however, the researchers recommend considering biologically based treatment, including Bariatric/ Metabolic/ Diabetes surgery where appropriate.
Note: Read Bariatric surgery and its types to know more.

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