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Dealing with Residual Belly-Fat: A Post-Op Guide

After weight loss surgery, many patients experience dramatic changes in their weight, losing kgs and gaining confidence. However, some areas, such as belly fat, can be more resistant, even post-op. While bariatric surgery jumpstarts your weight loss journey, exercise remains an integral part of long-term success in reducing residual fat and maintaining muscle tone.

In this article, we’ll explore the five best exercises to help lose belly fat post-surgery, the importance of training in the recovery process, and how to get started. Let’s get started!

Bariatric surgery helps patients lose a significant amount of weight, often in a short period. However, some belly fat might remain post-op, as the body takes time to adjust and redistribute fat stores. While diet has a crucial role in weight loss, targeted exercises can help reduce this stubborn belly fat. Dr. Amit Sood, the best bariatric surgeon in Punjab at CKOSMIC Health City, the best weight loss surgery hospital in Punjab, emphasizes the need for consistency in both diet and exercise: “Surgery provides the initial momentum, but sustainable results come from a commitment to an active lifestyle.”

Exercise after bariatric surgery plays a dual role – it not only accelerates fat loss but also ensures overall health improvements. Maintaining a regular workout regimen supports:

  • Reducing visceral fat (the fat around organs).
  • Maintaining muscle mass, which supports your metabolism.
  • Improving cardiovascular health.
  • Promoting mental well-being by boosting energy levels.

“Exercise isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about maintaining it for the long haul,” says Dr. Amit Sood. It’s about creating habits that become part of your lifestyle.”

After surgery, it’s essential to ease into exercise under professional guidance. Begin with light activities like walking or stretching before moving on to more strenuous exercises. Dr Amit Sood advises patients to start slow: “Your body needs time to heal post-surgery. The first step is gentle movement, followed by progressively more challenging activities. The secret lies in paying attention to your body’s limits and slowly building up your intensity over time,” suggests Dr Amit Sood.

Consulting your surgeon, or a physical therapist before beginning an exercise regimen is vital, especially after bariatric surgery.

Walking is a low-impact, beginner-friendly exercise that can significantly aid in reducing belly fat. Kick off with short 10-minute walks, gradually building up the duration over time. Walking helps improve circulation, boosts metabolism, and supports overall fat loss, making it an excellent starting point for post-op patients.

A plank is an all-in-one move that primarily strengthens your core while also engaging other muscles. By holding your body in a push-up position, you activate abdominal muscles, helping to tone your stomach. Planks engage your entire core, which is key in targeting stubborn belly fat. Aim to hold the plank position for 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing as your strength improves.

Leg raises are another excellent exercise to target the lower abdomen. Lie flat on your back, lift your legs off the ground, and hold them for a few seconds before lowering. Repeat this exercise to tone the abdominal muscles and improve core strength. Over time, you’ll notice greater toning and reduced fat in your belly region.

One of the most effective exercises for belly fat, bicycle crunches focus on the oblique muscles (the sides of your abdomen) and help to create definition in the stomach area. As you lie on your back, pedal your legs in the air while simultaneously twisting your torso, bringing your elbows toward opposite knees. This exercise strengthens the entire core, helping to burn calories and reduce belly fat.

Swimming is a fantastic, low-impact workout that engages your entire body, including your core. Whether you’re doing laps or water aerobics, swimming builds endurance, strengthens muscles, and promotes fat burning. Swimming offers resistance without putting stress on your joints, making it ideal for post-surgery recovery and fat loss.

If you don’t have a pool or a water body near where you can swim, you can try cycling. It’s a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that can help burn belly fat while being gentle on your joints, making it a great option post-surgery.

Dr. Amit Sood – Best bariatric surgeon in Punjab recommends keeping these tips in mind while starting your post-op exercise routine:

  • Establish Practical Goals: Start with smaller targets and progressively enhance your exercise routine.
  • Hydrate: Make it a point to hydrate before, during, and after your workouts.
  • Prioritize Proper Form: Correct technique is essential to prevent injuries.If you’re unsure, consult a physical trainer for guidance.
  • Listen to Your Body: Rest when needed and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially in the initial stages post-op.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Every step you take is progress, so celebrate wins, no matter how small.

Losing belly fat after bariatric surgery requires dedication, patience, and a balanced combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. These five exercises can help you effectively target belly fat, but consistency and professional guidance are key. As Dr. Amit Sood puts it, “Your journey doesn’t end with surgery – it’s the beginning of a healthier, more active life.” For more guidance on weight loss surgery in Punjab, post-op care, and to create a personalized weight loss plan, you can consult Dr. Amit Sood at CKOSMIC Health City, the best weight loss hospital in Punjab. With the right guidance, personalized solutions, and continuous efforts, you can make your weight loss journey a successful one.