
Best Bariatric Surgeon In Kangra

Best Bariatric Surgeon In Kangra

Before talking about best bariatric surgeon in kangra, it is important to understand some basics about obesity. In this, what is meant by obesity, what are the causes of obesity, what are the grades of obesity, how different we are from eastern people, and what are the treatment options.


First of all, we should make it clear that obesity does not just mean being overweight. Obesity is an epidemic disease recognized by the World Health Organization. Many metabolic, hormonal and behavioral changes are associated with this disease. It affects your choice of food and work, and affects your quality of life. You are probably familiar with the many different options for weight loss such as dieting, herbal medicines, exercise and many weight loss clinics. However, nowadays obesity surgery has become a safe and reliable procedure, especially when performed by an experienced surgeon. Weight loss best bariatric surgeon in kangra is the only option that leads to substantial and permanent weight loss.

What is bariatric (obesity) surgery:-

Simply put, bariatric surgery, performed for the purpose of losing weight, is surgery on your stomach and intestines. This is made possible by the control of your diet and the changes in your stomach hormones and metabolism. Nowadays, most such surgeries are done by Laparoscopy surgery i.e. Minimal Invasive Method. In this surgery no fat is removed and complete post-surgery weight loss occurs gradually over 12-18 months. Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not cosmetic surgery. This is done with the aim of improving the overall health of a person suffering from obesity. Generally, best bariatric surgeon in kangra is now performed in India with its immediate and long term excellent results. Watch this video for better information about it.

Benefits Of Bariatric Surgery

Best weight loss surgeon

Our patients have been able to lose up to 70 – 85% of their excess weight. Those thinking about surgery should talk to our Doctor about what their personal expectations should be for loss of excess weight. In addition to this, co-morbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, infertility, thyroid etc… are often reduced or completely cured.

How Bariatric Surgery is more Successful

Obesity Grading:-

Not every obese person is the same. This means that not all people with a BMI of more than 30 have the same medical risk. Medical related and other problems also increase with increasing BMI. If the person’s BMI is between 30-35, then they are considered as Class I obese person. If the person’s BMI is in between 35 – 40 then they are classified as Class II obese person or severely obese. And persons with BMI between 40 – 50 are counted as Class III, Morbidly obese. If the BMI is more than 50, then the pain comes in the category of super obese. 

Obesity is not measured by just looking at BMI. Whether or not there is obesity-related diabetes and other problems with BMI is also taken into account. For example, if your BMI is between 35 – 40, if best bariatric surgeon in kangra you also have other obesity-related problems, then you will be counted in the Morbidly Obese category. An understanding of the category of obesity helps us to understand the treatment options for obesity and make the right choice among them.

Understanding Of Bariatric (Obesity) Surgery:-

Bariatric (weightloss) surgery is the only option today that has shown consistent, significant and long-term weight loss. Therefore all people who need to lose a significant amount of weight should consider the option of bariatric surgery. Especially, if they suffer from other problems related to obesity. The weight loss results of are excellent and there is a significant improvement in obesity related problems. In this way the quality of life of such patients is also greatly improved.

Bariatric surgery or weightloss surgery or obesity surgery is not for everyone. Not every obese or overweight person should resort to this surgery to lose weight. It is a major surgery and bariatric surgery should be considered only when it is necessary. A person falling in the category listed below should consider bariatric surgery.


  • If your BMI is more than 37.5 or your weight is 40 kg more than ideal weight.
  • If your BMI is more than 32.5 or you have any other obesity related problem.
  • You have failed in your attempt to lose weight and maintain it
  • If you have other obesity-related problems such as diabetes type II, hypertension, slip apnea, high cholesterol, fatty liver, knee and back pain, or GERD.

Different Types Of Bariatric Surgery:-

There are different types of bariatric procedures available to you. Each has some advantages and some negative aspects. You should understand each in detail and discuss with your which option is best for you. The choice of procedure option depends on your weight, BMI, other medical problems, age, and expectations of your surgery. Each of the commonly performed surgeries is briefly described below.



In this surgery, a large part of the gastric is removed, due to which its size remains as much as 25% than before. The removed part of the stomach makes the hormone Gremlin, which is necessary for hunger. Therefore, after surgery, if this part of the stomach is absent, it leads to loss of appetite and satisfaction is experienced only by eating small amounts.


  • Less chance of protein and vitamin deficiencies
  • Lower risk of getting peptic ulcer
  • Ideal for such a young woman who has to conceive in future.
  • Good option for young patients who do not have diabetes and high cholesterol


In this, a small pouch is made in the upper part of the stomach by stapling, which controls the amount of food. Some part of the small intestine is bypassed in it, due to which the food gets delayed from digestion, which reduces the absorption of calories from the food consumed. In this best bariatric surgeon in kangra, many digestive hormones are also changed after the surgery, which helps in losing weight and maintaining it and improving other problems associated with obesity.

  • There is a good improvement in obesity related problems especially type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, high cholesterol.
  • The chances of gaining weight again are reduced.
  • Ideal choice for GERD/acid reflux/hiatus hernia patients.


Mini gastric bypass is technically less complicated surgery than Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. In this malabsorption occurs on a larger scale than the next two options. Therefore, strict adherence to follow-up and taking vitamin and protein supplements is very important.


  • Patients with very high BMI have excellent weight loss outcomes.
  • There is also a good improvement in obesity-related problems like diabetes and high cholesterol.


The above three procedures are usually done in India. Depending on the needs of most patients, one of these types of surgery gives them a decent result. You need to discuss in detail with your surgeon which option is suitable for you.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery

The cost of bariatric surgery varies from patient to patient depending on lot of factors like the type of surgery chosen, associated co-morbidities, multi-port or single port, the stay at hospital (room rent, duration) etc.

 We offer Bariatric Surgery at Reasonable costs and also under all Medical Insurances. To know about if bariatric surgery covered under insurance policy please visit policy page.