
Best Bariatric Surgeon In Manali

Best Bariatric Surgeon In Manali

Obesity and metabolic syndrome are prevalent worldwide and are diseases that shorten life expectancy. Best Bariatric Surgeon In Manali obesity is a BMI (body mass index) of 25 or higher, obtained by dividing body weight (kg) by height (m) squared. Obesity is diagnosed when obesity is caused by one or more health problems in addition to a BMI of 25 or higher, or if there is an excessive accumulation of visceral fat. Health disorders related to obesity include fatty liver, sleep apnea syndrome, bone/joint diseases, menstrual disorders, infertility, obesity related nephropathy etc. Among them, glucose intolerance/type 2 diabetes and lipid disorders, which are typical metabolic syndromes. Hypertension leads to myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and diabetic complications (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy). This makes you more vulnerable to deadly diseases like colorectal cancer and breast cancer. And the population of obesity is increasing continuously. Furthermore, as a feature, it is known that Indians tend to develop diabetes with milder obesity than people, and the diabetic population is steadily increasing. The pyramid shown has been proposed as a treatment for such obesity. Depending on lifestyle-related improvements, as BMI increases (weight gain), drug therapy and, if they are not effective, surgical treatment are options.

What is Weight Loss / Obesity / Metabolic Surgery?

This operation has been done, surgery is common for obese people with a BMI of 35 kg/m2 or more and has proven to be highly effective. Currently, more cases are conducted. It has been shown to reduce 50-80% overweight and significantly improve diabetes by 55-95%. In addition, it has a high therapeutic effect on dyslipidemia, hypertension, fatty liver, sleep apnea syndrome, etc. Advances in medical technology have enabled the laparoscope to enable minimally invasive surgery. Specifically, best bariatric surgeon in manali it is an operation performed by making 5-6 holes of 5-15 mm in the abdomen and inserting a camera or surgical instrument. Although it has advantages such as less pain, faster recovery and better cosmetology than traditional open surgery, it is technically difficult and requires the operation of a well-trained and experienced doctor. According to this there are various specialized surgical methods, but as of April 2014 the surgery covered by medical insurance is laparoscopic sleeve-shaped gastrectomy. This is an operation to remove about 80% of the outer part of the stomach and convert it into a tube.

Benefits Of Sleeve Gastrectomy:-

  • The smaller stomach limits calorie intake. It leads to early weight loss.
  • Changes in the secretion of gastrointestinal hormones (ghrelin, GLP-1, etc.) can suppress appetite and improve glucose metabolism. It helps maintain the weight loss effect.
  • Unlike bypass surgery, the nutrient absorption pathway does not change.
  • After surgery, the stomach and bile ducts can be examined as usual.
  • Both therapeutic effect and safety are located between banding and bypass surgery, and good short-term results have been reported.

Benefits Of Bariatric Surgery

Best weight loss surgeon

Our patients have been able to lose up to 70 – 85% of their excess weight. Those thinking about surgery should talk to our Doctor about what their personal expectations should be for loss of excess weight. In addition to this, co-morbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, infertility, thyroid etc… are often reduced or completely cured.

Role of Nutritionist

Weight Management Program:

  • Nutrition is what gives us the raw materials for recuperation, energy and growth. Without a balanced diet your dreams of achieving ideal body will never be reached.
  • This program is a safe and effective weight loss program which helps to keep the weight off over a long period through food education and life style.
  • As part of the program you need to come for regular follow up with our nutritionist who will monitor your progress in terms of body fat % and muscle mass.

We also provide medical nutrition therapy to help individuals manage chronic conditions like diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD etc and promote wellness. Our nutritionist evaluates your diet and lifestyle. Once we have a realistic picture of your health, our nutritionist will prescribe a food plan than can seamlessly fit into your routine.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery

The cost of bariatric surgery varies from patient to patient depending on lot of factors like the type of surgery chosen, associated co-morbidities, multi-port or single port, the stay at hospital (room rent, duration) etc.

 We offer Bariatric Surgery at Reasonable costs and also under all Medical Insurances. To know about if bariatric surgery covered under insurance policy please visit policy page.